who wants to read
poem? (who wants to
hold a lead
balloon?) do you think that
we should change that
name? maybe we
Change it
soon. |
Are words like stone? No!
Blades of grass.
if poems use
words to form a
shape that
we can clearly see, Then why not
call them PICTURE POEMS --
| From winter grey, they spring
light green;
good for
sidewalks, blocks,
and pavements, good
for bricks and
roads. but poems are made of
words, not
rocks, and carry
only weightless loads. |
Despite slabs, bricks or
blocks, they
pass-- |
who'd choose
poem to
write? (who wants to
grow a rose of
stone?) why should warm
thoughts or feelings
bright, by such
a cold grey name be
known? |
'Round, over,
up! Through! In
between! |
If you've
read the pavement-paragraphs top to bottom, you've stopped
here. But you could start here and read the 4 lines of 'grass'
heading back 'north' again. Or
those 4 slabs of pavement. Or--you could
read the sidewalk in one direction, and the grass as you head
back the other way. Or you could forget all this and eat an
copyright 2003
Brad Burg www.bradburg.com Ideally, this poem
should be animated, to make its point. Want to try? Send
me an e-mail about it (Here's a
chance to make "watching the grass grow" interesting.)
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